QUID-DI-TY, noun.
1. The inherent nature or essence of someone or something.
2. A distinctive feature, a peculiarity.
“Nancy Rue believes we can all find our quiddity
and live into it.”
Like most of us, I grew up in a society that tells us we need to be doing and producing and accomplishing and, of course, earning ALL the time. And the more we do, produce, accomplish and earn, the more we’re applauded, and if we don’t get that applause, we aren’t Somebody.
Fortunately in my case, that pressure brought about a lifetime of work that I hope has served my readers and clients and writing proteges well. Always, always I wrote and taught a philosophy of authenticity. Even when I wasn’t always reaching that state of genuine me-ness myself, I was moving in that direction.
Becoming our true selves is a lifelong adventure. I paid a price for all that working and proving, so in this season of my own adventure, my sole focus is not just on being more me, but on encouraging you to be more you.
Facebook Community
Join me on Facebook where (almost!) five days a week I ask a question that leads us to discover more about who we really are. There is a beloved community at that table, and you are welcome to pull up a chair and partake. The fare in our discussions features a full menu of epiphanies and guffaws.