AN-AM-CHA-RA, noun.
1. Spiritual confidant;
2. Kindred spirit, soul mate.
“Nancy Rue is the anamchara of writers.”

The Community
If you are a writer or would-be author of the female persuasion, the Scribbling Women community may be for you.
We provide, free of charge, inspirational and informative Zoom sessions, craft workshops, opportunities to share work, a chance to promote your published pieces, silent writing sessions and, most vital of all, continuing interaction with and support from other Scribbling Women.
Should that sound like your kind of fun, reach out to me and I will provide links to our website and Facebook Group.

The Podcast
Every week I post an episode of The Scribbling Woman with Author Nancy Rue, available on Spotify, Amazon, and YouTube.
In these chats, I (sometimes in the company of a fellow Scribblie) open up your concept of the writerly life. We explore the four strands – Dream Discovery, Story Shaping, Career Crafting and Life Living – not as a how-to. There is no prescription. No hack. I simply want every woman who writes to embrace her creative life as a whole that is unique to her in every way.
And besides, it’s fun.
If you have questions about your own writing, your writing career, your writing life, feel free to Message Me on Facebook. While I am no longer mentoring clients, I am always happy to answer specific queries and help you continue to move forward.